The Irish Yoga Association
Established in 1978
IYA Events
Area Reps
Teacher Training
IYA Teachers
About Us
About us
The IYA is a democratic organisation with charitable status that aims to share its love of yoga with people in Ireland, Europe and abroad. It is an association of students, teachers and tutors from all walks of life that share the common desire to explore the personal and universal on an exciting journey. Our foundations are based on the study of classical Yoga texts, education through experience and Yoga as a way of life. Read more >>

IYA Events

Yoga Nidra Retreat
This workshop explores the phases of the yoga nidra technique, as developed by Swami Sathyanda. Fri 6th – Sun 8th June 2025. Read more >>

Deepening the Practice
Designed for yoga practitioners who would like to deepen their practice and understanding of yoga.Contact through the IYA Secretary. Read more >>

TTC Assessment Day
For interested yoga practioners. 14 June 2025, Croi Anu Moor, Co. Kildare. Read more >>

IYA Residential Feedback form
Click here to tell us how we did with the event. Or you can scan the barcode below with you phone camera and click “View Options”.

IYA Teacher Training Course
Other Events
European Union of Yoga
Our Expertise
The IYA Teacher Training Course is run for and by the members of the IYA. The IYA has been training yoga teachers since 1978. The training shall explore classical and contemporary methods, in keeping with Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras and the Hathayogapradipika. As the IYA is the Irish Member of the European Union of Yoga, this qualification allows IYA TTC Diploma holders to teach throughout Europe. The course is governed by the IYA Teacher Training Course and the TTC Statement of Ethos.
IYA Aims
IYA Ethos
The IYA in Europe
The IYA in Europe
The IYA has been a major presence in Europe and India, teaching at the EUY congress and running training events in Mysore and Auroville. Gabi Gillessen held the EUY Presidency for six years, and was the IYA Chairperson for 10 years. Gabi is a Tutor for the IYA TTC.
IYA Management Team
The IYA Management Team
Alison Kirwan
087 617 5898
Vice Chairperson
Aoife Lydon
086 842 1400
Carmel Barlow
089 475 6987
Marita Nicholson
087 650 8185
IYA Teachers
IYA Teachers
Our Area Representatives
Trish Morrison
The IYA Area Reps
What people say about us
Sacha Johnston
IYA Membership
Current annual subscription rates are:
– Full Membership Annual Fee €65. (for IYA Diploma holders only)
– Associate Membership Annual Fee €60. (i.e. for non-IYA trained teachers and any persons interested in yoga but not for obtaining insurance)
- Newsletters with up-to-date information
- Discount on IYA run seminars
- Group Insurance Scheme for IYA trained teachers only
- Your classes and contact details listed free on our website
- The IYA TTC allows our IYA trained teachers to teach in Europe
- Join a network of highly trained, professional Yoga teachers
- Reduced Rate to advertise in Newsletter