Teacher Training Course

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IYA Teacher Training Course September 2023 – September 2027

The next TTC will start in 2023. If you have prospective students or know anyone who might be interested please direct them to www.iya.ie, or contact Course Co-ordinator on ttc@iya.ie.

IYA Teacher Training Course Guidelines

Please read this whole document for all TTC guidelines details.

This course is run for and by the members of the IYA. The IYA has been training yoga teachers since 1978. The training shall explore classical and contemporary methods, in keeping with Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras and the Hathayogapradipika. As the IYA is the Irish Member of the European Union of Yoga, this qualification allows IYA TTC Diploma holders to teach throughout Europe. The course is governed by the IYA Teacher Training Course and the TTC Statement of Ethos.

Contact us on ttc@iya.ie Printer version Application form


1. The Irish Yoga Association Teacher Training Course (IYA TTC)
2. How to apply
3. Student Representation
4. Tutors & Evaluation
5. Course Structure & Assignments
6. Aspects Covered on TTC
7. Level of Commitment
8. Course Fee
9. Diplomas
10. Updated Guidelines

1. The Irish Yoga Association Teacher Training Course (IYA TTC) is run for and by the members of the Irish Yoga Association. The training of students shall explore classical and contemporary methods, in keeping with Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras and the Hathayogapradipika. The overall aim of the course being, to provide students with the knowledge, skills and attitude to teach Yoga. The Course is fully comprehensive in that it deals with the physical, emotional, mental, psychological and spiritual aspects of Yoga in recognition of Yoga as a tool for self-development. The course follows the Syllabus together with the Training Specification and Standards as set out by the Irish Yoga Association and covers the following aspects:

• Āsana – standing, back bending, forward bending, twisting postures, seated postures, inversions, order of practice, teaching practice etc.
• Prānāyāmā – breath awareness, three phase breath, complete breath, Nadi Sodhana, Viloma A&B, Kumbhaka etc.
• Kriya, Mudrā and Bandha
• Relaxation – preparation, brain waves, techniques, teaching practice etc.
• Philosophy – history and types of yoga, cosmology, study of the
Upanishads, Sutras, Hathayogapradipika etc. and practical application of philosophy in life.
• Meditation – exploration of attention, focuses for meditation, teaching practice etc.
• Class planning – from beginners classes to continuation classes etc.
• Anatomy & Physiology – bones, muscles and systems of the body, subtle anatomy etc.
• 1st Aid certification valid for two years
• Guest Lectures on specialised subjects

The Course also includes aspects such as Yoga in Pregnancy, Mental Health and Yoga for Children (Child Protection Act covered) and Health & Safety. The IYA holds a Child Protection Policy and a Health & Safety Statement.

2. Students are chosen by written application, practical assessment (for which a set of guidelines is available entitled “Prospective Student’s Guidelines”) and by personal interview. It is required that applicants have two years’ experience in Hatha Yoga. Students must be members of the Irish Yoga Association.

3. Each TTC will elect, by ballot, a Student Representative in the first term of each year. It is preferable that a different Teacher Trainee undertake this position each year. The function of the Student Representative is – to make any minor administrative arrangements within the Group (e.g. tea rota, centrepiece, petty cash etc.) – to communicate any minor administrative items between Tutors and the Group (e.g. equipment required, alteration to dates or venue etc.) – to co-ordinate between Group and TTC Coordinator re residential weekend arrangements. At the request of the Management Team the student representative may attend Management Team meetings on agenda items specific to the TTC. Should this not be possible the Student Representative may make a written report on behalf of their Group prior to the meeting. In order to facilitate the smooth running of the course students will be given the opportunity to meet Management Team at course commencement and Management Team Members will visit the course once a year thereafter.

4. The Course is supervised by two full-time principal Tutors. These Tutors will be holders of Irish Yoga Association Teaching and Tutoring Diplomas and capable of teaching all aspects of Hatha Yoga and of assessing students.

A number of additional Part-time Tutors deal with certain subjects (e.g. First Aid, Anatomy & Physiology). These subjects cover issues which may ordinarily arise in a yoga class situation and how to address them. However, the work covered in these subjects does not qualify trainees to specialise in these areas in their teaching subsequent to the course.

Tutor Trainees and / or members of the Tutors Group may occasionally visit the Course.

A Monitor will visit the Group at various intervals, usually two or three times per annum and report to the Management Team on the progress of the Course and will make recommendations where necessary. The Monitor’s end of year report will be presented in person by the Monitor.

Should student numbers exceed sixteen, the Committee will consider the appointment of a third full-time Tutor (one Tutor per eight students). In the event of numbers exceeding eighteen, the Management Team will consider special or alternative arrangements to those currently in use.

Evaluation Sheets are provided at the beginning of the Course and can be filled in by Trainees at any frequency of their choice during the Course. Feedback covers any aspect of the Course, its content and its facilitation. These evaluation sheets are processed through Tutors, Monitor and Management Team member with special responsibility for the Course.

Any problems or complaints, arising on the Course for Trainees may be expressed either directly or in writing to one or both Tutors. Should the matter relate to the Course itself it can be brought to the attention of the Monitor. If the matter cannot be resolved within the Group or via the process of the Monitor’s Report to the IYA Management Team, then it will be brought directly to Management Team’s attention in accordance with IYA Complaints Procedure.

5. The Course is run over a four year period which in our experience is the time needed to digest all aspects of yoga as presented through the course material. It is not possible to pass on undigested information in a responsible and ethical manner. Similar to ayurvedic concepts, one can only absorb and make one’s own, what one has digested: food for the body, information for the mind and knowledge for the soul. Undigested information creates ‘ama’ which is toxic in the long term. For this reason, we believe that a shorter course is insufficient, as there is too much material left that is undigested and not entirely absorbed.

The first three years consist of 3 terms in each year and each term consists of 4 weekends as follows:

Saturday 9.30 am – 1pm / 2 – 5.30 pm 7 hours
Sunday 9.30 am – 1pm / 2 – 5 pm 6.5 hours
Total 13.5 hrs per w/e x 4 w/e = 54 x 3 terms 162 hrs p.a. x 3 = 486

The fourth year consists of 8 weekends for the year, Saturday to Sunday as above, total 108 hours.

There is also a minimum requirement of 27 hours per annum attendance at weekly classes (6 x 1.5 hours classes per term, preferably with IYA teachers) in the first 3 years, total 81 hours.

The IYA TTC is run as a continuous 4 year entity. It is not presented in interchangeable modules, nor is it possible to defer one element, section or year. Certification is only issued on full and satisfactory completion of the entire 4 year course.

One of the 12 weekends in each of the first three years will be a Residential Weekend to facilitate greater learning opportunity and the group dynamic. The weekend will be organised, in conjunction with the Course Co-ordinator, by the Student Representative and the Group. Course Co-ordinator will advise suitable inexpensive venues conducive to a Yoga weekend. The weekend involves deepening one’s practice and experiencing elements of the Yogic lifestyle which may include vegetarianism, purification/meditative techniques etc. Cost of the venue and accommodation will be covered by the IYA in line with the TTC budget and students will cover the balance.

In addition to total Course hours (747) attendance at the IYA Annual Residential Weekend is a requirement at least once during the TTC (at own expense/student rate) and has been found to be particularly beneficial in Year 3. This will introduce trainees to the Association’s only self-resourced residential weekend and will hopefully stimulate them to return as Tutors in future years. In light of the Association’s membership of the EUY trainees are encouraged to attend the
EUY annual congress in Switzerland at some stage during their course or sometime thereafter.

It is required that students form study groups in order to study specific areas of the Course, as detailed by the Tutors. The work is to take place between members of the group in further exploring work covered on the TTC and in developing their own knowledge, skill and attitude. This takes place particularly in the subject of Anatomy & Physiology where 30% of Course study is spent on home assignments. A minimum of 6 hours group work is required of each Trainee in each term and in the final year.

Attendance at two seminars per annum is required at a reduced rate. Attendance at seminars to be advised by Tutors and attendance at any/all other seminars that are noted to Tutors may be taken into consideration in respect of overall attendance.

Students are required to attend all tutorials and are expected to arrive no later than 10 minutes before the start of each tutorial. Punctuality and dedication are expected throughout the Course. Any Course hours missed must be made up by Trainees at their own expense. It is the responsibility of each trainee to keep themselves abreast of all requirements for the TTC, and to discuss with Tutors the possibility of compensatory time in respect of any time missed. Should a Teacher Trainee amass more than acceptable levels of non-attendance at Course, classes etc. for whatever reason (perhaps illness, pregnancy, other commitments) they will be required to discuss the situation with Tutors and to make a commitment as to attendance. Should the situation persist a Teacher Trainee may be required to leave the course, as it may be considered that such a Teacher Trainee is not fully participating on the course. Tutors can bring any concerns regarding attendance to the attention of the Management Team. The Teacher Trainees will examine the Monitor’s Report at each term end and make a commitment to redress any hours outstanding as soon as possible. By doing this the Trainees are encouraged to make up hours before the beginning of the next term.

Written work will be assigned in the first 8 terms of the Teacher Training Course. Teaching Practice assignments will commence in year 2. Presentation of Integration of Learning Yoga Class (ILYC) will take place in the 3rd year and presentation of ELYC (Evolution of Learning Yoga Class) & Thesis in the 4th year. Should 2 or more assignments (written work, thesis, A&P) not be met by their due date Teacher Trainees will be required to discuss with Tutors and to make a commitment as to their presentation. Should 3 assignments remain outstanding without due commitment a Trainee may be required to leave the Course as it may be considered that such a Trainee is not fully participating in the Teacher Training Course.

6. The following is an approximate breakdown of course hours:

Course Items

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Practical (Asana, Pranayama, Meditation, Relaxation 85.5 70.5 88 36 280
Theoretical (Philosophy, Anatomy & Physiology, First Aid) 49.25 49 44.5 25.5 168.25
Ethics (Yama, Niyama, Thesis, Class Planning etc.) 13 29.5 16 41.5 100
Administration (includes time for discussion with Monitor) 14.25 13 13.5 5 45.75
Weekly Yoga Classes 27 27 27 81
Study Group 18 18 18 18 72





Delivery of Philosophy on the TTC frequently takes the form of experiential exercises designed to encourage each individual to deepen their self-understanding. Trainees are expected to engage in reading, research and self-study, rather than be passive recipients of the philosophy lectures. This aspect of the Course includes feedback, group discussion and contemplation both by the individual and the group. The reading of historical philosophy is with a view to integrating the principles found therein into one’s life.

Teaching practice will take place throughout Years 2 and 3 in all of the practical areas while at the same time applying knowledge gained in Theoretical and Ethics aspects. Students are encouraged to make arrangements with their own Yoga teacher in the 2nd year of training to assist in their class in order to gain teaching practice. Trainees are required to teach in year 3 having fulfilled the necessary standards required, and having received the Trainee Commencement of Teaching letter from the IYA Management Team.

Assessment is continuous but will be specifically applied by Tutors during 9 hours per annum (no assessment of teacher trainees or Tutors will take place during Monitor’s visits; this is solely for the purpose of assessing the Course itself). It is carried out by the principal Tutors in accordance with the aims and objectives as set out in the Training Specification (this includes assessing student’s development through observation, progress charts, personal development plan, written work, presentation of thesis and observation of teaching ability). If Tutors are unable to assess a Trainee for whatever reason (attendance, pregnancy, illness etc.) diploma may be withheld until such time as it is possible to assess the Trainee which must be within a reasonable period of time but before course end.

Students are also encouraged to self-assess during the Course. ‘The Round’ is a period of time which is given over to assessing what has happened in the Group and what is taking place in the present for each individual. Its concept is rooted in Patanjali’s Yamas (universal code of ethics) and Niyamas (personal code of ethics). The contributions of the students are important for their value in exploring what is happening in the Group but also for the opportunity they provide to deepen the philosophical understanding and to practice Yoga in communicating, working and living together. ‘The Round’ encourages students to take responsibility for what happens between themselves as they come to realise that they are in charge of their experience and perception. The practice of Yoga may, because of its nature, bring to the surface issues for the individual that cannot be comfortably dealt with within Course time and may need specific attention in the form of medical backup, counseling or other appropriate therapies on own initiative and at own expense.

7. Commitment: The IYA TTC is structured in such a way that there is a high level of commitment expected of each Trainee over the duration of the Course. As these guidelines demonstrate, while the Course is termed part-time there is much in the way of
home study and various assignments that amounts to more than this. It is essential for Trainees to maintain their own practice in line with TTC and as such their own practice is an integral part of the TTC. A daily practice of 1-2 hours is required of all Trainees. As stated elsewhere in the guidelines any time missed by a Trainee is to be made up to Tutors’ satisfaction and Tutors will discuss the timetable of weekends missed with Trainee. In respect of any time missed a Trainee will need to maintain group work and, through this avenue, regular contact with the TTC. The onus is on each Trainee to arrange with another Trainee to take notes and handouts in respect of any time missed on training weekends. Should a Trainee wish to leave the Course they are requested to advise the Management Team in writing.

Pregnancy/Infants: As outlined above, whilst pregnant it is expected of trainees to keep up with all aspects of TTC as per attendance (5) and commitment (7). Together with previous Trainees’ experiences, a pregnancy during the course will inevitably require a number of support mechanisms. In the event of pregnancy, the following guidelines are designed to be of assistance and to minimise disruption to the Group’s continuous training.

Taking cognisance of the many and varied perspectives in this regard, discussion will take place with all Group members present regarding what is involved in pregnancy and looking after infants, particularly for the benefit of any who are not aware of such matters. If necessary, babies may only be present during teaching hours on the TTC up to the age of four months. The IYA advises all participants that crèche facilities are not provided by the Association. If a parent decides to bring their infant to the training sessions, the infant remains the sole responsibility of the parent. No insurance cover exists in relation to the infants and no liability attaches to the IYA.

8. Course Fee. The fee for the course is €695 per term (guide price for current course). Fees must be paid on time otherwise the student is not eligible to participate on the course. Slight adjustments to fees may occur over the 4 year period should the need arise. A detailed breakdown of costs is available on request and/or available at the Assessment Day.

9. Diplomas will be presented to those participants who have successfully completed all aspects of the Teacher Training Course. All criteria outstanding (e.g. fees, hours, written work, etc.) must be completed to the satisfaction of the Tutors/Management Team by course end, in order to gain a diploma.

10. Continuous Professional Development. The IYA organises Continuous Professional Development Seminars for the benefit of IYA teachers so that they may keep abreast of current development in all aspects of Yoga together with maintaining their own Knowledge, Skills & attitude to a high standard.

11. Updated Guidelines. Guidelines may be altered from time to time during the Course and these will be advised to Trainees.

Guidelines last updated 11 January 2023.

E-mail address: info@iya.ie

Course Co-ordinator: ttc@iya.ie

Doc Ref: EC
11/01/2023 Admin