About us


The IYA is a democratic organisation with charitable status that aims to share its love of yoga with people in Ireland, Europe and abroad. It is an association of students, teachers and tutors from all walks of life that share the common desire to explore the personal and universal on an exciting journey. Our foundations are based on the study of classical Yoga texts, education through experience and Yoga as a way of life.

The IYA provides a wide range of comprehensive education courses, delivered by highly skilled and knowledgeable tutors who train intensively in order to teach from spiritual depth.

The Irish Yoga Association (IYA) was founded in 1978 by a group of Yoga practitioners who saw the need for trained Yoga teachers in Ireland. Kate Savino was the founding member and the first Secretary and Gary Westby was the first Chairman. The first Teacher Training Course took place in 1978-80. To date some 220 Yoga Teachers have qualified with the IYA. The syllabus includes Asana, Pranayama, Meditation, Relaxation Techniques, Philosophy, Anatomy & Physiology, First Aid and Psychology. The Course is run on a part time basis over four years and results in a diploma which is highly recognised and sought after as a valid qualification by VEC’s, as well as other institutions and organizations.

We are affiliated to the European Union of Yoga (EUY). As well as providing the opportunity for cross-European contacts and exchange of information, IYA qualifications are recognized throughout Europe and IYA diploma holders can teach in Europe! Contact us for more information! The IYA is a member of AONTAS.

We are an entirely voluntary organization and our Management Team assist with:

  • the general administration of the Association
  • the publication of our quarterly Newsletter
  • the organization of Yoga workshops, seminars and the IYA annual residential weekend
  • the delivery and co-ordination of the Teacher Training Course and also the Tutor Training Course

IYA Area Representatives provide information to anybody seeking yoga classes in their region and they promote the practice of Yoga within their communities.

The aims of the Association include:

  • To promote Yoga in Ireland
  • To provide general information, education and training, relating to all aspects of Yoga
  • To co-operate with and support other bodies with similar aims
  • To explore various methods of self-healing.