
IYA Membership Form.pdf

IYA Bank Standing Order Form.pdf

Membership of the Association is open to all. Current annual subscription rates are:

  • Full Membership (for IYA Diploma holders only) Annual Fee €65
  • Associate Membership (i.e. for non-IYA trained teachers and any persons interested in yoga but not obtaining insurance) Annual Fee €60.

Our membership runs from April to April each year

Membership services/benefits include:

  • Newsletters with up-to-date information on yoga classes, seminars, weekends, holidays, workshops as well as interesting articles, posture sequences and meditations, book reviews and lots more.
  • Discount on IYA run seminars.
  • Group Insurance Scheme (for IYA trained teachers only ). Only Full members are entitled to be insured under the IYA group insurance scheme with OBF Insurance Group.
  • Your classes and contact details listed free on our website (IYA teachers only)
  • We are the only association in Ireland who have earned full membership status of the EUY, which allows our IYA trained teachers to teach in Europe.
  • You are part of a Network of highly trained, professional Yoga teachers.
  • Training to become a Tutor on our four year Teacher Training Course.
  • Reduced Rate to advertise in Newsletter.

Please note: Each year in paying your membership you are renewing your commitment to the IYA’s Statement of Ethos and Code of Ethics

Insurance: The IYA have a group insurance scheme with OBF Insurance Group. As a fully paid up member and fully qualified IYA teacher you can avail of this reasonably priced insurance which provides both Malpractice Liability Insurance and incorporates Public Liability cover. IYA group scheme insurance reduced premium is approximately 105 Euros.

Please Note: A receipt for paid-up current IYA Membership and a copy of your Teaching Diploma will be required. Extra therapies can be accommodated – contact OBF Insurance Group for a quote. Email:

Insurance: Only teachers who are Full (Accredited) Members of the IYA can be recognised by the IYA for insurance purposes. .All other teachers, including those who are Associate Members of the IYA, should organise their own insurance – separate from any IYA recognition. This is because the IYA can only stand over qualifications awarded through its own Teacher Training Courses and in no way reflects on how the IYA value the qualifications of other yoga schools.