IYA Online Residential Sun 25/4/2021 8am – 12.30pm

IYA Online Residential Sun 25/4/2021 8am – 12.30pm

Sunday April 25th

Time Event
8—8.30am Meditation with Monique Walsh: Descent of Peace.
10am—12:00pm Restorative Yoga and Pranayama with Colette Lee. This type of yoga restores the body to its parasymathetic nervous system function, which allows the body to rest and heal. Using blankets, bolsters, blocks and other props, it allows you to stay in the asana longer, and allows the breath to deepen which triggers the relaxation response. You will need: Wall Space, Chair, 4-6 blocks, 2 Bricks (optional), Belt, 2 Blankets, 1 for relaxation, 1 small flat/cotton blanket, 1 Bolster or firm pillow, 2 cushions.
12—12:30pm Closing Mantra with Michelle Waters.


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